Calling all UM graduate engineers, join the largest grad student organization on north campus! Click the link below to access GradSWE's website:
Society of Women Engineers
University of Michigan
Join the largest Engineering community on Campus!
The Society of Women Engineers at the University of Michigan provides its members with the ideal engineering and college experience. Every year, we run the biggest career fair on campus, invite over 300 companies to host corporate information sessions, engage hundreds of K-12 students across the globe in engineering outreach activities, host several charity events (including a 5K Fun Run and the Engineering Games Competition), and organize several networking and professional development events.
The benefits of joining SWE are innumerous; continual involvement has more benefits and include the following:
SWE National, Regional, and SWE UofM Scholarships
Have your resume posted on the SWE website, as well as published in our Resume CD which is given to ALL recruiters at the Career Fair and Corporate Information Sessions (this is well over 300 companies!)
An invitation to attend the elevated member end of the semester social event
Gift cards to local Ann Arbor restaurants and stores!