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MLK Day 2024

The MLK Spirit Awards are given annually to recognize members of U-M’s community “who exemplify the leadership and vision of Dr. King through their commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Recipients include students, student organizations, staff, and faculty members. In 2024, the Society of Women Engineers was awarded the Spirit Award for Activism, Awareness & Organizing.

Michigan COE Leaders & Honors Award

The Elaine Harden Award is presented to an Engineering student organization at the University of Michigan that best exemplifies dedicated leadership and service to the community. Our section has been presented with this award in 2014, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

National Conference 2023

In 2023, our section was a recipient of the Society of Women Engineers Mission Awards were recognized at the WE23 National Conference in Los Angeles, CA. The Gold Mission award is given to all sections who demonstrate outstanding commitment to each of SWE's four goals: professional excellence, globalization, advocacy, and diversity & inclusion. Our section received the Public Policy Best Practice award for our work with Ann Arbor local government and participating in the SWE congressional visits.

WE Local 2023 - Detroit, MI

The following members earned the Rising Star Award. These awards recognize SWE collegiate members with less than 2 years of SWE membership who have made outstanding contributions to SWE, the engineering community, their campus, and the community. The Outstanding Outreach Event Award recognizes SWE groups that plan and carry out high quality outreach events that inspire young people to see engineering as a force for good. Our section received the Outstanding Outreach Event Award for our Alternative Spring Break outreach trip to Lindblom Math and Science Academy in Chicago, IL.


Rising Star Award


Rising Star Award


Rising Star Award

Outstanding Outreach

Event Award

MLK Day 2023

The MLK Spirit Awards are given annually to recognize members of U-M’s community “who exemplify the leadership and vision of Dr. King through their commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Recipients include students, student organizations, staff, and faculty members. In 2023, Nina Makhlouf was a recipient of the MLK Spirit Award.


Nina Makhlouf

National Conference 2022

In 2022, our section was a recipient of the Society of Women Engineers Mission Awards were recognized at WE22 in Houston, Texas. The Gold Mission award is given to all sections who demonstrate outstanding commitment to each of SWE's four goals: professional excellence, globalization, advocacy, and diversity & inclusion

WE Local 2022 - Buffalo, NY

The following members earned the Rising Star and Guiding Star Award. These awards recognize SWE collegiate members with less than 2 years and over 2 years of SWE membership, respectively, who have made outstanding contributions to SWE, the engineering community, their campus, and the community. The Outstanding Professional Development Award recognizes SWE groups that plan and carry out high quality professional development events that help SWE members achieve their professional goals and aspire to professional success.


Rising Star Award


Rising Star Award


Rising Star Award


Guiding Star Award

Outstanding Professional Development

Event Award

MLK Day 2022

The MLK Spirit Awards are given annually to recognize members of U-M’s community “who exemplify the leadership and vision of Dr. King through their commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Recipients include students, student organizations, staff, and faculty members. In 2022, Elle Cai was a recipient of the MLK Spirit Award.


Elle Cai

National Conference 2021

In 2021, our section was a recipient of the Society of Women Engineers Mission Awards were recognized at the WE21 National Conference in Indianapolis, IN. The Gold Mission award is given to all sections who demonstrate outstanding commitment to each of SWE's four goals: professional excellence, globalization, advocacy, and diversity & inclusion. Our section received the Public Policy Best Practice award for our work with Ann Arbor local government and participating in the SWE congressional visits. We were awarded the Global Best Practice award for continuing to stay engaged with our Liberia and India trips virtually due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Michigan Difference Student Leadership Awards 2020

Our section was awarded the Global Impact Award and the K-12 Student Engagement Award.


The Global Impact Award is given to an individual or group who demonstrate leadership in achieving the international mission of the University of Michigan through promotion of international involvement and understanding. Our section was selected for the Global Impact Award based on our work, going beyond supporting women in the engineering program at UM and turning our attention to women in other parts of the world. We have operated a women-centered education camp for 8 years in India and 6 years in Liberia, and this year started a new initiative to bring the organization to Shanghai. Our efforts bring out the passion for science and engineering hidden in children of the next generation on a global scale while also giving our members exposure to diverse ideas and appreciation for cultural nuances, both vital missions in today’s societies. 


The K-12 Student Engagement Award recognizes an individual or student organization that is deeply engaged with children and youth in K-12 settings to advance student learning using the principles of diversity, inclusion, equity and/or justice. SWE is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for girls to explore STEM. We host several large-scale events on campus for elementary, middle, and high schoolers, as well as Girl Scouts. They host Shadow Day, an event which allows 50 girls to experience a day in the life of a Michigan engineer by shadowing SWE members, as well as, SEE Camp, a residential summer engineering camp for 40 high schoolers. In addition to events on campus, we conduct school visits where we bring our activities to classrooms in the Greater Detroit Area. SWE also has a lasting partnership with Lindblom Math and Science Academy, a Chicago South Side high school. Many of the students they meet during Shadow Day and SEE Camp eventually come to Michigan, and many of them even join SWE.

WE Local 2020 - Raleigh, NC

The following members earned the Rising Star and Guiding Star Awards respectively. The Rising Star Award recognizes SWE collegiate members with less than 2 years of SWE membership at the end of the previous fiscal year who have made outstanding contributions to SWE, the engineering community, their campus, and the community. The Guiding Star Award recognizes exceptional collegiate leaders with at least two (2) years of SWE membership at the end of the previous fiscal year who have made outstanding contributions to SWE, the engineering community, their campus, and the community.


Rising Star Award


Guiding Star Award


Guiding Star Award

MLK Day 2020

The MLK Spirit Awards are given annually to recognize members of U-M’s community “who exemplify the leadership and vision of Dr. King through their commitment to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Recipients include students, student organizations, staff, and faculty members. In 2020, Casey Wong and Raheida Khalique were recipients of the MLK Spirit Award.

MLK Spirit Awards 2020 - Casey.jpeg

Casey Wong

MLK Spirit Awards 2020 - Rahedia.jpeg

Raheida Khalique

National Conference 2019

In 2019, our section was a recipient of the Society of Women Engineers Mission Awards were recognized at WE19's Celebrate SWE! on November 9th in Anaheim, CA. The Gold Mission award is given to all sections who demonstrate outstanding commitment to each of SWE's four goals: professional excellence, globalization, advocacy, and diversity & inclusion. Our section received the Leadership Development & Mentoring Best Practice award for expanding the SWIntern program which allows new SWE members to get a taste of SWE officer duties. We were awarded the Global Best Practice award for working with SJTU to start a new SWE section in China.

National Conference 2018

In 2018, our section was a recipient of the Society of Women Engineers Gold Mission Award, recognized at WE18's Celebrate SWE! on October 20th in Minneapolis, MN. The Gold Mission award is given to all sections who demonstrate outstanding commitment to each of SWE's four goals: professional excellence, globalization, advocacy, and diversity & inclusion.


Congratulations to the following members on their personal achievements as well!


Outstanding Collegiate Member


Graduate Rapid Fire Presentation, 2nd place


Graduate Rapid Fire Presentation, 3rd place

Congratulations also to Liberia SWE, our partner abroad, who received the SWE Mission Award for Best Globalization Practice and the Bronze Collegiate Mission Award.

1301 Beal Avenue 
1226 EECS Building, Cubicle F 
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1226 

Call:  734-763-5027


Monday - Fridays

9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Closed May - August

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